Traditional Thai Massage: What It Is (and is not)

By wabisabisylvie

Traditional Thai massage is an ancient healing art and a part of the traditional Thai system of medicine. “Massage parlours” in parts of Thailand and in parts of the Western world use “Thai massage” as a cover for prostitution, but genuine traditional Thai massage is a spiritual practice that dates back to the time of…

Is Technology Making People Less Mindful?

By wabisabisylvie

Mindfulness has become a buzzword in recent years, as people look for ways to feel calmer during times of stress. There’s no shortage of apps that help you engage in mindfulness meditation, and even ones that teach you mindfulness tactics like mindful breathing, but are technology and mindfulness an oxymoron?  Some are saying that technology…

IKIGAI: Create your own masterpiece to live a happier and more purposeful life

By wabisabisylvie

Everyone has a life purpose, but if you’re waking up each day in dread of your daily grind, you are not living a life of purpose that’s suited to you. In the West, we refer to a purposeful life in various ways–raison d’etre, our calling, our reason for being. The Japanese have a term that…

Sumac: A Superstar Spice that Deserves a Spot in Every Kitchen

By wabisabisylvie

With a vibrant red hue and it’s distinct citrusy tartness, sumac is a widely used, essential spice in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cooking. This unique, and exotic spice is not yet a household ingredient in American kitchen’s, but is has long been hailed around the world for its bold flavor and healthful properties, as it…

Turn Your Home into a Stress-Reducing Zen Oasis

By wabisabisylvie

Stress affects everyone at one time or another, but some people suffer from chronic stress, and that can take a toll on both their mental and physical health. People of all ages can suffer from the effects of stress triggered by difficulties at work or school, relationships, finances, or other circumstances that make coping well…

Should You Learn Another Language?

By wabisabisylvie

Language is the bedrock of communication. Reading, writing, and speaking are invaluable skills, especially if you can do those things in multiple languages. New perspectives, stronger relationships, good times, and wonder are just some of the things that await those who dare to explore a foreign language. Learning a language let’s you make connections with people…

What You Should Know About Buying Greek Yogurt

By wabisabisylvie

Recently, many shoppers have turned away from conventionally made yogurt, instead choosing its thicker, healthier cousin, Greek yogurt. New brands and varieties of the once hard-to-find yogurt have flooded supermarkets, giving buyers of the popular dairy product more choices than ever. But before you go to the grocery store it’s important to know that not…

Art Therapy: A Way to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

By wabisabisylvie

Art therapy is a powerful form of treatment. It is a non-verbal, experience-oriented therapy that uses the visual arts (e.g. painting, drawing, sculpting, clay modeling, dancing). Experts often employ this set of tools to help people recover from serious trauma or mental illness. Art allows us to express feelings and thoughts in a non-verbal way,…

Virtual Health Care: A Guide For Senior Patients

By wabisabisylvie

Virtual Health care, otherwise known as Telehealth, has grown almost sevenfold since COVID-19 began to spread. While virtual doctor visits and remote monitoring devices could make medical care more convenient and accessible for any patient, seniors may have the most to gain. In March 2020, Medicare temporarily expanded coverage of telehealth services for most beneficiaries for…

What a Pandemic Can Teach You About Simple Living

By wabisabisylvie

COVID-19 has disrupted our daily routines, but it has also had a few positive effects. You’ve probably simplified your life, and you may like what that has done for your health and relationships. For example, 59% of fathers said they feel closer to their children as the result of complying with coronavirus restrictions. That’s according…