What is Reiki?

Energy healing has been around for a very long time, but it is finally starting to gain more mainstream momentum.

Albert Einstein already proved that energy is everywhere. Although we cannot see it, we have learned to harness its power and utilize it into our day-to-day lives. For instance, think about electricity, radio frequencies, wireless communication, electromagnetic fields, the internet and so on. We cannot see it with our physical eyes, but we know it exists because we use it every day.

Reiki is a technique for stress reduction that also promotes healing. A Reiki Practitioner (acting as a conduit) through the hands, transmits natural healing vibrations to the body of the recipient. The hands are placed just off the body or lightly touching the body. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “energy”.

Buddha and crystals

If you have practiced Meditation, Yoga, Chi-Gong or Tai Chi, or have experienced Acupuncture, Acupressure or Thai Massage, you very likely have felt the body’s subtle flow of energy as it is connected to health and wellness. This life force energy in India is known as Prana, in China is known as Chi, in Japan is known as Ki, and in Thailand is called the Sen Lines. All these four concepts relate to the Universal Life Force energy that flows throughout the body. Being alive, this energy is naturally streaming through you and surrounds you. Scientists, including physicians, therapists, and other health -care practitioners, both in the Eastern and Western traditions, acknowledge these phenomena.

One of the basic teachings of healing with Reiki is that we are more than our physical bodies. We also have an energy body made up of our aura (energy fields), the chakras (energy centers) and the meridians (energy pathways.) Like our physical body that takes in food to nourish it and give it energy, our energy body does the same. The energy fields take energy in, the chakras break it down, and the meridians distribute it throughout the body.

We are healthy and vital when the life-force energy is high, and it is flowing through us unobstructed.


When the energy pathways become lowered or blocked, then we are more likely to become sick. Stress is the predominant block, weakening the flow of this life-force energy. The American Institute of Stress estimates that 75% to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are a reaction of stress including circulatory, digestive, respiratory, and dermatological disorders.


To be and feel whole, the chakras need to be balanced. Imbalance in the body manifests as a lump in the throat, a clenched jaw, a tension headache or heartache for example. Blocked chakras can be caused by physical or emotional trauma, cultural conditioning, limited belief systems, habits, and injuries.  A blockage can become more severe over time as a small fear grows into a phobia, anger leads to alienation, or a hooding pattern leads to tight muscles and physiological problems. The energy from the chakras can be either deficient or excessive when imbalanced.


Physical and mental changes need to happen to unblock a chakra. A Reiki session can help free up energy flow, promoting subtle physical and mental changes. The physical touch and energy of Reiki can aid in unblocking the chakras by warming and relaxing the body and sending life energy to areas of the body that need healing.

What makes Reiki Unique?

  • Reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes relaxation
  • Compliments medical treatment and other therapies
  • Accelerates the healing process and decreases the amount of pain medication required,
  • Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between mind, body and spirit.
  • You can learn Reiki yourself

Today Reiki is offered in more than 70 American hospitals to accelerate the healing process and to alleviate pain. These hospitals include, but are not limited to:

  • Connecticut: Hartford Hospital, Yale New Haven Children’s hospital
  • Maryland: John Hopkins Hospital
  • Massachusetts:  Brigham & Women’s hospital, Children’s Hospital in Boston, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Network, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • New Hampshire: Wentworth Douglas Hospital
  • New York: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Columbia University medical Center, New York Presbyterian Hospital
  • Minnesota: Mayo Clinic
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Please note that Reiki is not a replacement for conventional medical care, but it is a valuable resource to compliment traditional medicine

Distance Reiki

Distance healing is the process of sending Reiki to a person in the next room or to the other side of the planet, to help heal in the same way that Reiki helps when it’s performed in person.


How Is Distance Healing Possible?

The process is very simple! You can receive distance healing no matter where in the world you are in relation to your Reiki Practitioner. Reiki is equally powerful as a remote energy healing technique when compared to Reiki hands-on energy healing treatments. Reiki practitioners can remotely direct Reiki over a distance to any person, animal, object or situation. The applications and uses of distance Reiki are infinite and always positive.


Consider that there are a host of things that we cannot see but we know they exist. For example, we cannot see wi-fi, radio or cellular phone signals but we experience their presence. For them to work, they must be tuned into and Distant Reiki works the same way. Similarly, you may not comprehend how Reiki travels, but you may feel its presence.


The Reiki practitioner acts as a conduit and tunes the healing energy to the person it is being sent to and then it flows through the energy currents that exist naturally. We accept other energy frequencies that we cannot see, such as electricity, radios, cell phones and wi-fi. Initially, these frequencies were thought to be too unbelievable to be true, but now they are accepted as normal functioning services.

Reiki picture


In a distance Reiki healing session I ask you to set aside about half an hour for the distance Reiki healing session itself.
I would ask you to  relax, whether with a cup of tea, a warm bath, incense or whichever is your preferred way of relaxation. You can then choose to tune in through meditation or simply lay down and relax. You can do so in quietness or with relaxing music in the background.

Even if you don’t have a secluded relaxing space, the healing still works.  In fact, this is true even if you are on the way out the door with your hands full of shopping bags or if you are just simply watching tv.


You may or may not immediately notice the effects, but usually my clients report everything from feelings of warmth, pulsing/tingling/itching sensations in the body, internal images/pictures. Others reported to feel very relaxed afterwards.

Remember, each session is unique, depending on what your specific energy system needs at the time of healing. While some individuals may feel all sorts of things, others might feel nothing at all or fall asleep.
All is perfectly well, and as it should be.
Actually, falling asleep often happens for your system (and thoughts) to relax to receive the healing.

​Please note...

The Distant Reiki healing sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes (not including my preparation time. It is important that you up consume plenty of water the days following the healing. This is to aid the cleansing process in all your bodies (the energetic bodies, as well as the physical body).


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Your first step is to submit the request form and upload your picture so I can better connect with your energies. (This is helpful but not a requirement).

If you have specific issues that you focus the healing session on, please let me know.

If you choose 3 sessions, ​ you should expect an interval of  6-10 days​ between each distance Reiki healing session​ - unless you wish to receive a distance Reiki healing intensive (i.e. every day for 3 days - if so, please message me and let me know beforehand).

If you would like to receive ongoing distance Reiki healing for a longer period of time (i.e. every day for 1 week - or once a week for 2 months etc.) please let me know, and ​I will create a special ongoing session for you, depending on ​​your specific issue(s).