The idea behind the Japanese word “Wabi Sabi” is to embrace imperfection and to find the beauty in the imperfection.


It is a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life.

Wabi Sabi book (1)

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer mixed with powdered gold, silver or platinum to showcase the beauty of its age and damage rather than hiding it. The Japanese recognize beauty in damage and repair and identify that healing becomes a part of the history of an object, not something to disguise, be ashamed of, or hide.

I strongly believe that this is also a powerful presentation of human life. This age-old philosophy can help you navigate the modern-day struggles of striving for perfection- in possessions, relationships, achievements, all of which often leads to stress, anxiety, depression and hasty judgment. In a time of perfectly curated social media feeds, countless ads for new and better products, so many ways to look more beautiful, how can we be satisfied with what we have if we are always wanting what is unattainable?

We all carry broken pieces of ourselves in different ways throughout our life, and it is through the process of repairing the pieces with lacquer and gold, through friendships, community and wellness, that  we can heal and use our past wounds to make us stronger. Kintsugi reminds us to not shy away and hide our scars, but rather wear them proudly and recognize the strength and beauty that it gave us and appreciate the person we have come along the way.

“Many of us live in a state of constant longing, unsatisfied with what we have, striving to achieve an unattainable level of perfectionism.”